Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just a Little Interchange...

Okay, okay, I said I was taking a hiatus, but I just can't seem to help blogging ...!

So color me compulsive.

And I confess that I'm cheating a wee bit - pulling from my vast resources, whilst dealing with a mid-art-show-crash (neeeeeed sleeeeeeep).

A little while back, one of my more traditional friends expressed concern that I seemed to no longer think of Jesus as a Person, but only as a nebulous force. I can see how they *might* have that impression ... so here was my attempt to clear that up:

I do experience Christ as personal Friend, inner Spirit ... not just a force -- but I'm aware of the Life-force which is Him... and I see no life apart from Him. But His Presence is incredibly intimate and personal ...

Some may know Him by name only ("Christians"?) ... and others may know Him by Energy only ("Non-Christians"?) ... and one day we will *all* know Him by both (but I wouldn't be surprised if we're all "off" in His actual name ...).

I just see that the man-made religion of Christianity has gotten in the way of us knowing Him, far more than it's assisted us in TRULY knowing Him.

How much better to know Him by experience, and later come to know the name, than to know Him by name, and later come to know Him by experience ... that make sense?

I think it's a grave (and arrogant) mistake to assume that only Christians can experience, love, and follow Christ ... or that only Christians can have a relationship with God.

I think much of what Jesus lobbed at the pharisees could be directed at some (many?) Christians today ... (an observation - not a judgment).

Shalom, Dena

1 comment:

graham old said...

Great post, Sis!

You've got some good friends, who ask good questions.

I think there *is* a real danger that some people do begin to see Jesus as 'a nebulous force'. For me, that's one of the benefits of paying close attention to the things that Jesus taught, instead of just paying lip-service to "believing" in him.

'How much better to know Him by experience, and later come to know the name, than to know Him by name, and later come to know Him by experience...

I think it's a grave (and arrogant) mistake to assume that only Christians can experience, love, and follow Christ ... or that only Christians can have a relationship with God.
