[NOTE: Wee bit of disappointing news - the recording of the Presence Zone meeting didn't work, due to technical glitches and gremlins, so I can't share it with anyone ...
however, I did save the slide-images ... my plan is to write a snippet-bit to go with each slide, and then share the whole thing, narrative-style, with anyone who wants it -- so email me if you'd like a copy of that: brehmites @ aol . com, minus the spy-bot-fooling spaces, of course. If I can figure it out, I'll try to post the images here as well ... been too busy blogging to figure out the technical capabilities of this site ... if anyone knows how to put images within the text, lemme know! The
good news is, this glitch allowed me to start out a blog entry with the word "
wee"... something I've always wanted to do, but was afraid of where I'd have to go - so to speak!]
Ok then, back to blogging!
I mentioned a rather intriguing book I've stumbled upon (which is just another way of saying, "the Spirit done led me"), and I'd love to share it with those of you who've stumbled upon this blog.
It's "The God That We've Created: The Basic Cause of all Disease." Provocative, no? I mean, now could I *not* read it? And how could I *not* share it? The author is Michele Longo O'Donnell -- she's new to me ... a health care provider, minister and counselor. Having attended both registered nurses training, and non-denominational Bible school, she came to the place where she deeply questioned the premises of both institutions, and found them wanting. And then the wilderness transformed into what many of us have come to experience as "post-Christianity" ... wherein we want to understand and experience the Spirit, through the narrative of Jesus, and discovered that we had to ditch the religion of Christianity in order to do so...!
For a while now, I've become aware that I
really need to question the realm of health, disease, and healing ... as with everything else that's come across my radar, I no longer trust the answers I've been given by the tradition of man known as Christianity. And while it feels like nose-diving off a sheer cliff, sans parachute, I trust that, as always, God is going to either catch me, or else teach me to fly. And so, over the cliff I go ... come along for the ride, if you're so inclined (yeah, I
know, it feels a lot like God
pushed! so be it!).
I love that I put the desire "out there" and then this book appears...! It was one of those "oh dang, I've got to order another book on Amazon in order to qualify for the free shipping so I may as well choose one of these 'others who bought that book also bought these books'" options. Yeah, God works through that. He's in all things, y'know. Even Amazon. The title of this one intrigued me enough to rank, and so it appeared, on the very day in which I told Mark, "Methinks I'm going to have my world rocked in the realm of disease and health."
Rather than doing what I've done before, and copying the text here, I'll just comment on what I'm getting out of the book ... as always, listen to the Spirit's Voice within
you -- you'll know what's for you, now, and what to either let go of, or else put on that "God-shelf" (you
do have a God-shelf, right?).
What if there's a common denominator of all disease...? What if, behind all the various labels, presentations and diagnoses of all disease, there's a
root cause ... no matter whether the disease is considered to be communicable, degenerative, congenital, or even trauma-based...? What if there's something at work which cannot be seen, even with the highest-powered microscope? What if what we DO see, whether with the eye, or with the microscope, is actually
mesmerizing us, and
keeping us from seeing the *unseen* reality-root of disease...?
What if medicine cannot, and never
could, resolve the problem of human suffering ... what if our health care system is just a disease-management system?
And what if religion and all the human-made doctrines about God & about the origin of human suffering, only exacerbate and cement our collective and individual acceptance (& therefore the
perpetuation) of disease, in the first place? (read that again, slowly ... let it sink in ... at least the possibility of it)
What if our skewed understanding of God, of the very nature and essence of God, about the character of God, is getting in the way of our health? What if our
beliefs about suffering, about disease are in fact *
causing* suffering and disease...? What if our beliefs simply don't line up with God's truth?
Think about examples of your own life -- how many times have you heard someone (even yourself) praying for someone's healing (maybe even your own), and there's all this begging, and pleading, and demanding, and bartering, and declaring going on ... and then the phrase, "IF it be Your will to heal, God"...?
IF?!? What are we saying there? What are we revealing about what we really believe? What are we thus doing to limit healing...?
I find that I get to the point, where I realize that I
must know the Truth, from God, or die trying. Nothing less but His truth will suffice ... because the wisdom of man, the pat answers of religion, the band-aids of our disease-management system, have failed me.
I've come to the place where I trust that God not only
has the answers, but God
wants me to
know His answers. Not just *believe* for the answers, but to *know*. I see that "we shall
know the truth, and the truth shall set us free." I've decided to take God seriously on that. I've decided to trust that He will, by His very Spirit, who is within us, lead us into all truth. I can't settle for less, no matter what it takes.
Now, it seems to me that we're a people quite fixated on fearing disease ... and we believe it's
inevitable. We seem to just assume that we
will get sick, and even become debilitated, over time -- that it's unavoidable. It's linked to the fear of death -- the "King of Terrors." We've created a multi-billion dollar disease management system, and a plethora of chemical medications to overcome this enemy we fear ... and yet we're not only
not protected from disease, all this money and effort as actually served to plunge us into
less health & wholeness...!
Most of us no doubt know of, or have heard of, folks who were miraculously healed, either of cancer, or AIDS, or some other "incurable" disease, in a way that stymies the medical professionals. No one can tell us, in human terms, why some are healed -- and then we wonder why others are
not healed. We wonder, is there a principle involved, that we can duplicate, in order to enable
all people to experience healing? Religion tells us "no." "Not all are healed, and not all are even
meant to be healed - it's just not God's will for all to be healed." After all, they say, the earth is corrupt, and sin and disease are now rampant and unavoidable, and it's therefore the will of God that humans should suffer for how we've thwarted God's original perfect plan ... to the point that children must even suffer for the sins of their parents. Others say that it IS God's will that everyone be healed, but we have to conjure up "enough faith" (which is always a
wee bit more than whatever we currently have)(ooh! I used "wee" twice in one post!), or else God's hands are tied. Yet others say that God loves some folks, and hates other folks -- so it depends on whether you were lucky enough to be born one of the "elect" (ever notice that folks who promote such a view never say, "and I just happen to be one of the reprobate ones - dang-it!" No, the ones who hold this view always "just happen" to be the "elect."
Never mind that Jesus healed
everyone who asked him ... not a single one was ever turned away, in the texts that we have access to.
So, why do some get healed, while others do not? What does it take to qualify? Who decides - God, or the suffering-one?
What if the answer lies in an entirely new perspective...? One that embraces personal responsibility for our body-gifts, as well as a transformation of our beliefs and concepts of life itself? What if we have fallen away from a true-reality of life, the true-reality of the nature of God, who we really are, and why we are here, having this life, in the first place?
What if, with a major change of perspective, our very
expectations would be altered? What if this would lead us into the
experience of health, of wholeness? What if we could learn to live outside the expectation of disease, and what if our bodies would then follow suit?
What if we are filled with lies, individually and collectively ... false images of God, of ourselves, of our bodies, of *reality*, that need to be not only questioned, but replaced with truth -- truth that would then set us free from the tyranny of the lies we believe...?!? What if the "reality" we accept needs to be replaced with the Mind of Christ - the perspective of God?
As always, these transformations begin with being *willing* to let go of what we think we know ... being willing to listen, to hear the Voice from within, to trust that the Spirit can, and will, lead us into all truth. If we cling to what we think we know, what we think we know will be what we
How's that
working for you, so far...? ;)
Insanity is doing (or thinking!) the same thing, over and over, expecting different results.
IF man was created to be free from all disease and suffering? (if that strikes you as blasphemous, ask yourself what you really believe? then ask God if it's true.) What if we could experience radical health and wholeness
here and now, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in? What if we could live on earth, as it is in heaven...?
What if...?Wanna find out if it's really
possible...? Stay tuned! Let's explore this one together, and see what the Spirit shows us.
Buckle-up.Shalom, Dena