OK, so we've got these holy books ... and they're filled with revelations from God ... and we've believed that they were inspired by God, and that therefore these folks were *special* ... after all, we believe, such inspired experiences were reserved for the very FEW.
Our religions have told us:
~ that we are separated from God,
~ that we are distant from God,
~ that God is angry with us,
~ that God must be appeased,
~ that we are hopelessly depraved sinners,
~ that we cannot trust ourselves,
~ and that we are entirely too UNworthy to be spoken to by God, BUT that a very few special ones among us somehow were chosen to be inspired directly by God, and it just so happens that all of those folks are dead.
What IF Divine inspiration is the birthright of every single human being? What if we're ALL that special? What if God is *still speaking/revealing/leading*...?
For some reason*, religion tells us that this is wrong, dangerous, blasphemous. Religion says:
~ If it's old, it's good; if it's new, it's bad.
~ If it's old, it's true; if it's new, it's deceptive.
~ If it's old, it's right; if it's new, it's in error.
~ If it's old, it's trustworthy; if it's new, it's dangerous.
(Of course, we do this in the opposite extreme, when it comes to humans -- if they're young, they're worthy -- if they're old, they're unworthy, but that would be another blog post...)
We humans cling to the old and familiar, WAY past the time when it's been proven ineffective/incomplete/harmful. How long did the church cling to the notion of flat-earthed geocentricity? How long did doctors resist washing hands? We have a most stubborn tenacity to cling to what we think we know, what most folks believe, and to refuse innovation or new thinking until some sort of PAIN forces us to do so ... and this has been slowing down our progress for many millennia ...
So, as we look around at the current messes that are evident in our world, amongst humanity, we have a choice. We can toe the line of status quo ... or we can dare to imagine that we are here for such a time as this ... that we are here for a divine *purpose* ... and that we CAN turn the tide of our self-destruction, and actually change the world.
IF that resonates with you, IF something rises up in you as you read this, consider the following five choices we can make NOW, in each of our own lives, in order to be, and thus invoke, the change we want to see:
1. We can choose to acknowledge that some of our old beliefs about God and about Life are not working any more.
2. We can choose to acknowledge that there is something we do not yet understand *about* God, and about Life, which if we understood, would change everything.
3. We can choose to be willing to receive a new understanding of God and Life - and understanding that could bring about a new way of life for all.
4. We can choose to be daring and courageous enough to explore and examine this new understanding, and if it resonates with our own inner truth/knowing, to enlarge our current belief system, so as to include it.
5. We can choose to live out our lives as exhibits and demonstrations of our highest and greatest beliefs .. rather than as denials of them.
These five steps to Peace are modified from the book, "The New Revelations" by Neale Donald Walsch (a very engaging and easy-to-read book).
We've tried and tried and tried to make a difference through changing behaviors -- after more millennia than we have left to waste, it's not worked. We need to go to the root of behaviors -- to BELIEFS.
We need to examine, and change, our beliefs ... because beliefs create behaviors.
Next - examining HOW beliefs create behaviors...
Shalom, Dena
*OK, so the reason is that if we learned to trust ourselves, to follow God's leading for ourselves, to be as autonomous as is our birthright, then why would we *need* religions...?
Sneak Peak Thumb todays show
Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed that clip I shared yesterday… I’m still not
feeling great hurts to talk but I have such a powerful show I feel needs to
get ...
4 months ago
I loved this quote:
"What IF Divine inspiration is the birthright of every single human being? What if we're ALL that special? What if God is *still speaking/revealing/leading*...?"
4. We can choose to be daring and courageous enough to explore and examine this new understanding, and if it resonates with our own inner truth/knowing, to enlarge our current belief system, so as to include it.
I looked up Neal Donald Walsh on the Internet just now to see where he came from and what he is doing. This morning I also read Miracle story featured on Today show Miracles can happen in anyone's life when faith replaces fear.
Perhaps the religion you speak of has been hijacked by fear. Rotted from within. How does that happen without the people being part of the problem? Religion should be used to create miracles based on faith. Again - - the people.
Y'know Connie ... even AS I was typing that point, I *knew* it would resonate with you ...! :)
I see, and *somewhat* agree with your comment about religion ... and perhaps it's just a matter of semantics, but I see that religion (all religion) is a manmade attempt to define (& thus control) the Abundant Life ... I see that it's a sabotage of the Abundant life ... which actually chokes the life out of it, by organizing the organic.
Religion is about "lording over" one another (which Jesus said "do not do") ... creating a hierarchy of "some" over "others" (yet another us/them duality), that actually creates division, rather than unity. It implies that some can hear God better than others, and some can interpret God, whereas others really shouldn't try. It serves to usurp the Divine Autonomy that each of us has as a birthright ... to have no one, and no thing, between us and God. For there IS nothing between us and God ... excpet for when we *think* there is, or should be. Which is, by definition "religion".
The root of the word "religion" is usually traced to the Latin religare (re: back, and ligare: to bind), so that the term is associated with "being bound."
BTDT, and I'm pretty much done with being bound ...
I am not a fan of religion. :)
Of course, this is my opinion, based on my perspective and experience ... and it's not binding on anyone else. Freedom!
Religion is a thing you subscribe to of your own free will. Some people need that push and support to keep them on the right track. I really appreciate the support and study helps received through religion. I realize you think differently, and find the support you need right here.
LDS have a paradox concerning power. Mormons believe everyone is entitled to inspiration and revelation, and if a decision made can be confirmed to themselves by revelation, it makes a difference.
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